almora botanica almora botanica

Face Yoga Fitness

Unlock your super skin with our expert techniques

almora botanica

Discover the benefits of Face Yoga Fitness

Activate over 50 face muscles and gently transform your skin with Face Yoga Fitness, our natural non-invasive approach to ageless beauty. Level up our high-performance Ayurvedic skincare with Face Yoga Fitness techniques, designed to stimulate the muscles, skin and lymphatic system.

Our self-administered classes and hands-on facials are designed to firm, plump, and sculpt the skin, whilst also giving you time to reconnect with yourself. It's time to exercise the face whilst relaxing the mind.

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Ayurvedic Skincare Boosted by Almora Botanica Face Yoga Fitness

almora botanica

Face Yoga Fitness benefits

Level-up our high-performance Ayurvedic skincare with Almora Botanica Face Yoga Fitness exersises to tone muscles and stimulate the skin metabolism.

A daily 5-minute practice with help lift, plump, sculpt and reshape naturally.

Discover our collection of ultra-light multi-tasking Ayurvedic face oils, formulated with powerful natural botanical ingredients and experience the Almora glow anytime, anywhere.

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